“But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on His Name”. John 1:12KJV
As a child of God, you have power! When Jesus Christ was ascending to heaven, He told His disciples, “…All power is given unto me in heaven and in the earth.” (Matthew 28:18) Do you think He got it because He was looking for power to do something? No! Remember, He is God and so He is not threatened by the devil. The scripture tells us that since He finished His work, He has been sitting down. He is not in any way frightened or threatened by whatever the enemy is doing today. Why then was power given to Him? It was for us! Power was given to Him for you and me so that we do not go about naked. The Bible says “As many as received Him, to them gave He power…”
But the problem with many of us is that we are not using the power we have. The Bible says in 1John 5:19 “that the whole world lies in wickedness…” This world is filled with wickedness and the language they understand is ‘Power.’ So, as a believer, you cannot afford to walk naked without exhibiting and demonstrating the power that God has given to you. Power means nothing when it is not exercised. You have the power to stop the devil from attacking your body. You have the power to say to Satan, ‘you cannot afflict me with sickness, you cannot attack me with poverty; you cannot attack my marriage or my children.’ The devil enjoys it when you do not exercise your power. But when you do exercise your power, God comes on the scene. Praise God!
Beloved, I challenge you to face every contradictory circumstance in your life with the knowledge that right inside of you lies the ultimate power to deal with it. Therefore, go in this might. You cannot be defeated. You will return with outstanding testimonies in Jesus’ Name.
Further reading: Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:6-8
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 30-31; Evening- John 18:1-18
This is great to the glory of God