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Technical and Media

The Media Directorate overseas and controls all the media touchpoints across-board. The group is headed by Dcn. Gilbert Uteh and consists of The Database Ministry, Web Ministry, Video Ministry, Audio Ministry as well as Social Media Ministry.

The Database Ministry

This is where the information of our members, guest and friends are safely stored (and not shared) so we can keep in touch and get relevant and important information across as soon as possible. This ministry works around the clock to take note of every data required to create a personalised experience to members of the church. They ensure that everyone gets notified when activities and events that could interest them are going on so no member gets left out.

The Web Ministry

To be able to get the word of God across to you anywhere in the world without borders and limitations, this ministry uses its best tools to stream and provide content to everyone, from anywhere in the world. The website is managed by this team to provide you with information about past and upcoming events, archived sermons and ministrations as well as articles and devotionals to help you develop as a Christian.

The Video Ministry

Recording, creating, managing and broadcasting of optimal and high-quality video content as well as creating and sharing various multimedia content. This ministry works in to provide real-time action-packed coverage so that, you, the viewer, never miss a thing!

The Audio Ministry

The Audio Ministry oversees the seamless circulation of sound during services and also ensures that other statutory ministries are duly supplied with sound during weekly services, bi-annual programs as well as annual conferences.

The Social Media Ministry

This ministry oversees and manages the Church’s presence across all Social Media channels including; FacebookTwitterInstagram et cetera. The team also ensures that all online members experience the warmth of the worship, praise as well as the sharing of the word of God.