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Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. I want to appreciate every single person for the love you showed to all the Headquarter Pastors during the “Pastors Appreciation Day”. On behalf of these men and women of God, I say a big thank you for being a blessing. Your outpour of love will never go unrewarded, and it is my prayer that the Lord of the harvest will increase you on all sides, He will give you 1,000 times more in Jesus’ name.

We are exactly one week away from the mother of all conferences, the Kingdom Life World Conference (KLWC), and I am so excited. This is going to be the greatest conference this ministry has seen yet. The Lord is set to do great and mighty things in our midst, lives will be completely transformed to the glory of God. At the end of this conference, your testimony shall be ‘This KLWC was for me’.

Child of God you better believe and receive this prophetic word ‘This is Your Kingdom Life’. Don’t approach this conference the same way you have approached other programs in the past, there is something different about this conference. God is set to deposit some heavy duty things on us. Now the onus lies on us, and not on God, because God’s part is already settled. The issue is, how ready are we to receive? Are you one of those who’ll say they have come again, this is what they say all the time, or are you going to be one of those who take the prophetic word and run with it? It’s your decision.

“For surely there is a latter end (a future and a reward), and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:18 (AMPC)

Our text makes it very clear that it is ‘your’ hope and expectation that will not be cut off, not another person’s. In other words, what you expect, is what you get. If you’ll take this word and run with it, then you will be shouting hallelujah at the end of the conference, but then if you just sit and say well it doesn’t really matter, it’s just another conference, then you’ll have yourself to blame at the end of the day. Therefore come expecting that this Kingdom Life is for you, and it will be the best yet, and you’ll have bountiful testimonies as a result of this conference.

Let me also add that you should not come to this conference alone, but rather come along with someone. Invite a friend, a colleague, a neighbour, anyone in your vicinity. Let them know that the Lord is present to do them good. Talk about and advertise the program in your shop, office or market place. Take advantage of the T-shirts, and other paraphernalia that have been provided. This period, I encourage you to use the KLWC Logo as your WhatsApp DP, facebook DP and more, spread the word on social media. Be a part of those that are committed to spreading the good news about Kingdom Life World Conference.

Don’t forget that immediately after the service, we would all be going out in a motorcade for a rally within our vicinity. Let us saturate our environment with the news about this conference and as you do, the Lord of the work will visit you in every area of your need.

As you go into this week, be full of expectations and be sensitive in your spirit because the atmosphere is already charged, the heavens are already open. This is Your Kingdom Life. Whether the devil likes it or not I will hear your testimony. I bless you.


In His Royal Service

Dr Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop 

TREM Web Administrator
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