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+234 1 773 8584

Welfare and Hospitality

The Admin Directorate is headed by Deacon Francis Oko-Ukoni. This Directorate oversees the activities of the following Ministries:

Environmental Ministry

Every last Saturday of the month, this group of dedicated people (mostly women) meet and work tirelessly to maintain a clean and hygienic space around the church conducive enough for people to gather and worship. They make sure the environs are not just habitable but comfortable and hospitable.

Transport and Logistics

From the Sunday services, to outreach and visitation and even rallies and evangelism, this department is always ready and available to provide safe and well thought out logistics to take members to their destinations. With their focus on the safety and well-being of their passengers, they prioritise the maintenance of every vehicle, even making recommendations and repairs when necessary.

Sanitation Ministry

These men and women are always on hand to ensure and maintain the quality of the facilities of the church. They strive for perfection and work quickly to keep the lavatories and powder room as comfortable as home.