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“And David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail, recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8 KJV

Dearly beloved, I believe with all my heart that you will recover all. You have nothing to fear! Your victory is guaranteed because Jesus settled it all at the Cross. All we are called to do is to enforce the victory that Christ already had wrought on our behalf. This is the reason I am confident that nothing can stop your testimony from manifesting.

The above scripture is a story we are all familiar with. One that should fill us with hope and expectation. David found himself in an unfamiliar situation. He was used to experiencing victories, and being the one who destroyed the enemies, but not this time. In fact, I don’t think that he would have ever imagined that such a thing would happen to him. But there it was, staring him in the face. The Amalekites had ravaged Ziklag, taking away their families and belongings. It was completely devastating to the point where David’s men began to talk about stoning him. And you won’t blame them.

You may have suffered setbacks! Or maybe like David, you have found yourself in unfamiliar territory, with no help in sight. I have good news for you. Your recovery is guaranteed! However, you must change your posture. Switch from hopelessness to encouragement. That was the beginning of David’s miracle. The Bible says: he ‘encouraged himself in the Lord’. I can imagine that David began to remind himself of the great and mighty victories that God had granted him in the past.  And rather than remain discouraged, his soul was lifted.

Beloved, appreciate God for past victories. Gratitude provokes worship! And worship gives God the license to flex His muscles on your behalf. Don’t allow the devil to keep you bound, pondering on what you seem to have lost. Remind yourself of the bigness of your God and watch mountains brought down before you.

Further Reading: I Samuel 30:1-8, Psalm 34

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Judges 16-18; Evening- Luke 7:1-30


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