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“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved their lives unto the death”.
Revelation 12:11 KJV

The God we serve is good, His blessings are sorrow free. At times, some of the things I hear
among Christians are shocking, in the sense that they probably don’t know the God they
serve. You ought to sit down and know this God for yourself; not because of what your
Pastor said or preached, but by having a personal encounter with Him. When you know Him
personally, there are some things that should not proceed from your lips, because you are a
I hear believers say; ‘I don’t want to share my testimony, because if I do, somebody would
charm me and I would lose my testimony. I am not going to tell anybody that I am pregnant
because somebody could go to the native doctor and abort it.’ And I say to myself, how can
that be? Such person that has the power to make you lose your baby when it is in the womb
also has the power to kill the baby when it is born. The result of this kind of belief is that we
end up attributes power to the devil that has already been defeated. I am sure the devil
would be laughing in his coven because they are giving him credit for everything. Even the
ones he didn’t do.
How can someone be afraid of charms and still claim to know this God? I doubt if such a
person knows Him. My question to such people is; where is the God factor? The God I know
is too good. Whatever He does in your life is permanent. Your testimony is secured in Him.
Don’t allow fear to intimidate you. God spoke the universe into existence by the words of
His mouth. He upholds all things by the Word of His power. Your testimonies are secured in
Him forever. You will not lose them out of fear or intimidation in Jesus’ Name.

Further reading: Hebrews 1:1-3; Ecclesiastes 3:11-15
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Esther 6-8; Evening- Acts 6

Content Editor 2
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