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“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:” (Act 10:34 KJV)


In Acts 10, the Lord opened Peter’s eye in a vision before He sent him to Cornelius, a gentile. In the vision, Peter saw a big container withall kinds of animals that the Jews saw as a taboo and so do not eat. He lowered it and said to Peter take these things and eat. The container was lowered three times and all three times, Peter refused, calling it unclean. The Lord said to him, what I have cleansed, do not call unclean.

Eventually, Peter was sent to the house of Cornelius; God had been preparing his mind with the vision. The Lord was saying in essence: “Peter I know you are a Jew but I am sending you to the people you would not give a chance.” When Peter got to Cornelius’s house, Cornelius said I also was in a dream and God said we should send men to Joppa to look for you. He gave us your address, He told us where you were, He knew the time to get you. Beloved, God knows how to get to you. He knows your address, your telephone number, email, twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the rest of your details. You may be far off but God still knows you. 

Peter eventually came to Cornelius’s house and on hearing of Cornelius encounter, began to minister to his household. He had not gone far with his message when the power of God fell. Suddenly, the Holy Ghost came upon the people that were listening to him and they began to speak with tongues. The Holy Ghost came upon them (gentiles) exactly the same way He came upon the disciples when they were in the upper room to show to Peter, and everyone else that He (God) is no respecter of persons. God knew that if He waited for Peter to pray for them for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he will hesitate, because he was holding firmly the ritual of circumcision, so God broke the protocols, baptised the gentiles and left Peter amazed that he exclaimed “Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”.


Further Reading: Acts 10:1-48

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 25-27; Evening- John 9:1-23


TREM Web Administrator
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